Friday, June 16, 2017

Physics of The Saxophone

Abstract: As an avid saxophonist myself, I have never really thought about how and why a saxophone worked as it does. The saxophone can produce a great sound that can mesmerizes anyone that listens. I wanted to learn more about it and really understand the science behind the great instrument.
The most important part of creating a great sound is the mouthpiece.
When the musician blows air into the mouthpiece, it causes the reed to oscillate between the mouthpiece being open and closed.
This oscillation of the reed creates sound waves when it vibrates.
The note created is based on the amount of holed closed by the musician, when more holes are closed it lengthens the sound wave and created a lower tone

Work Cited

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Physics in Skydiving

Image result for skydiving

Skydiving is one of the most exciting activities humans do, this activity consists of people jumping from higher altitudes down to the ground by using a parachute to slow down their speed. A skydiver can go about 200 km/h depending on different factors like weight and also air density. A skydiver can reach full speed in between 40 seconds to 60 seconds. The physics behind skydiving involves the interaction between gravity and air resistance. When a skydiver jumps out of a plane he starts accelerating downwards, until he reaches terminal speed. This is the speed at which the drag from air resistance exactly balances the force of gravity pulling him down.

Reseach paper

Monday, June 12, 2017

Physics of Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a sport that may seem pretty self-explanatory, yet involves many parts of physics. Whether it is the extreme snowboarder or just the beginner, each one is doing an action that involves things like friction, energy, and inertia, which are essential to riding well. An understanding of the physics aspects of snowboarding can be useful to all riders of any level of skill. It allows them to identify the key physics principles helping them properly execute specific moves, being useful from a performance point of view. 

Physics in Baseball

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This paper discusses the different physics concepts in the game of baseball.  In all areas of the game there is something to do with physics. This paper will cover the different types of pitches, what forces affect them, and how they are exactly affected. When playing or watching you wouldn’t even realize that these basic physics concepts take place. The different forces that I will discuss are Velocity, Momentum, Drag, and the Magnus Effect. It is amazing that baseball can be broken down into being all basic parts of physics.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Physics in Basketball


This paper discusses the different physics concepts in the game of basketball.  In all areas of the game there is something to do with physics.  Some of of the basketball terms this paper will discuss shooting, dribbling, rebounding, boxing out, jump ball and diving.  The physics terms that will be discussed are force, gravity, friction, action and reaction forces and projectile motion.  Without these things basketball wouldn’t be the game of basketball.  When playing or watching you wouldn’t even realize that these basic physics concepts take place.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Physics of Ping Pong

Jake Dobrucky
Ap Physics 1

Physics of Ping Pong

Image result for ping pong

Ping pong or table tennis is a sport which two or more players hit a ball back and forth on a table. The player use a laminated wooden racket covered with rubber to hit a 2.7 gram celluloid plastic ball. Covering everything from Newton's Laws, Gravity and most importantly the Magnus Effect to get some nasty spin on that ball. 

Physics of Ski Jumping

Abstract: It is a bird, no its a plane, no it is a ski jumper. Flying through the sky like a bird the jumper gloriously glides in the air at very high speeds in order to go as far as possible. In reality, ski jumping involves a lot of science. Many physics concepts can be seen during Ski Jumping. In the long ski jump concepts such as gravity, friction, projectile motion, KE/PE and air resistance are present. Also, physics of a plane wing are involved in modern ski jumping. To understand the process of ski jumping first the jumper converts his potential energy into kinetic energy by going down the ramp, then flying off in the air and falling in a projectile motion but while in the air creating a v shape to capture air resistance like a plane wing in order to fly longer. And finally, if everything went as planned landing safely on the ground.

Research Paper

Physics in automobiles

Physics In Automobiles
 Image result for white jeep wrangler

Physics Of Golf

Golf is a very simple sport that focuses on getting a ball to a certain goal. However, there is much more to it than it seems. Physics is in every part of golf, from the swing of the club to the flying of the golf ball, all of it is because of physics. And because physics is the entire structure of golf, learning more about the physics of golf would help you understand and play golf better. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Physics of Volleyball

Physics is used in almost everything we do throughout our everyday lives. Sports are almost entirely composed of the physics of the human body in order accomplish the performed action. Volleyball is a sport which has physics at the heart of the game, understanding the physics of the game actually allows a player to improve and become more efficient and effective in his or her game. This essay gives insight into how the rules of physics can be used and are essential in the game of volleyball in all aspects of the game including serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking. Volleyball is a game of constant projectile motion with various types of contacts involved in each aspect of the game.

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Physics of Gymnastics

Gymnastics is a competitive sport that requires high physical endurance to do many flips, tricks and routines that seem hard and impossible but are simple, under the law of physics. Gymnastics uses many of the basic principles of physics including all of Newton's laws, torque and angular momentum. In this paper you will see how angular momentum and torque are vital when it comes to twirls, how Newton's laws, which are about acceleration, force and motion, are behind the flips and jumps that a gymnast undertakes and how while the gymnast is in the air the only force acting on her body is gravity.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Physics of Volleyball

We play volleyball in gyms and at the beach. There is so much fun in just smacking the ball as hard as you can over the net. Diving into the floor trying to stop the ball from hitting the floor. Jumping out your seat because we won the game. Do you ever play volleyball and just wonder the motions of the ball goes through? The purpose of this report is to explain the physics in Volleyball. I will also explain some of Newton's laws and other principles which influence the way volleyball works. Information was collected from various credible sources. Even a clip from the Stamford High Volleyball team winning the Championship.


Physics In Roller Coasters

Physics In Roller Coasters
File:Energy in SHM.gif - Wikimedia CommonsRoller, Coaster - Free images on Pixabay

In this project you will learn how gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are the two key energies used in relation to roller coasters.  You will get a better understanding of how roller coasters work.  The speed and energy used during the roller coaster are vital to really grasp the idea of how it works.  There are different aspects to a roller coaster such as the friction, speed, energy use and how the roller coaster is tracked during the ride.  

Physics in Lacrosse


In my research, I found that the physics behind lacrosse has more meaning than any player would have thought.  Laws of physics can help lacrosse players adjust their shot, their way of cradling the ball, and their passes as well as catches. Most players follow the laws of physics without even realizing it. If players were not to use the basic laws of physics, they could potentially hurt themselves, other players, or teammates. Newton's Laws of Motion can be found and used with the movement of the ball on the field, catching, and the resistance forces. Torque and friction can also be found when passing and shooting. Now, non-lacrosse players can understand how apparent physics is throughout the game and how players actually control their bodies during the game. 

Physics of Catapults

Abstract: Catapults are a lever-system, built to launch certain objects over very long distances. There multiple kids of catapults: Weight-Based, Elastic-Based, Trebuchets, etc… Although these catapults use different kinds of materials, they all have and perform the same action: turning potential energy into kinetic energy. When the throwing arm is released and all the energy stored in the torsion and tension mechanisms is turned into kinetic energy and is then used to rotate the throwing arm forward with great force propelling the payload forward then the rotating arm is stopped by the crossbar to give the launch the desired angle.

Physics in ski jumping

The physical principles at work in skiing can be used to teach students about angular momentum, friction and parabolic trajectories. Unweighting is used to initiate a turn by reducing the normal force between ski and slope, thus reducing friction. The effective coefficient of friction is controlled by adjusting the angle of contact between ski and slope. Setting an edge reduces side slipping. Conservation of angular momentum can be demonstrated by analyzing aerial maneuvers.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Physics of Airplanes

Jennifer Solares
AP Physics 1
Period 3

Air travel has become a very common form of transportation in modern society. Everyday, thousands of airplanes fly across the world, allowing humans to travel thousands of miles in a short amount of time. But, do you ever think about the physics of flying? How exactly do airplanes fly? The purpose of this report is to explain the forces that allow these heavy machines to fly. Some of the forces explored in this research are weight, lift, drag, and thrust. I will also explain some of Newton's laws and other principles which influence the way airplanes fly. Information was collected from various credible sources including science magazines and NASA. 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Physics of Car Horns

 Physics of Car Horns


Have you ever been "honked" at before? Have you noticed that the sound of a horn is different when the car is coming towards you and passing you? Well car horns are effected by the Doppler effect. It is an increase or decrease in the frequency of sound waves when a source or a person is moving towards or away from each other. It causes a change in the pitch of the sound.

Google slides

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Physics of American Football

Football is a contact sport that is played in the United States but also all throughout the world. There is no better sport to use to study physics because football incorporates physics in every aspect. Newton's laws of motion are the superstars of pigskin physics, explaining a lot of what goes on the field.



Physics of Soccer

                                                                Physics of Soccer
            Abstract: The game of soccer is a very dynamic sport because it entails complex principles of physics. When a ball is kicked its trajectory is always dependent on the point of contact between the foot and ball, and the speed at which the ball is rotating. When the ball is hit with the side of the foot causing the ball to spin, the ball's trajectory will curve to a certain degree. If the ball is hit powerfuly directly in the middle with the top of the foot the ball will have no spin. In this occurrence the different seems in the ball may cause the ball to swerve from side to side in a path the is virtually unpredictable. These rare techniques in soccer are oftenly used by some of the best professionals in soccer such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. They are used to throw goalkeepers off balance when attempting to shoot on goal.
