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Gymnastics is a highly competitive sport, demanding strong skills in speed, strength and agility from relatively young athletes. While the extreme tumbling passes and balance may be considered impossible for any average person, basic laws of gravity and force presented through the principles of physics, explains why gymnasts are able to execute these tricks safely and accurately each time. In this paper, basic apparatuses are covered through their relation to specific physics concepts. First, comes the relation of Newton’s laws regarding force, acceleration, and motion through the uneven bars and balance beam. Then, the paper will explore how angular momentum and torque allows for the proper rotation that is demanded in the vault apparatus and is also demonstrated during floor routines. Through these explanations, the seemingly unfeasible events become easier to understand through basic physics concepts.
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Gymnast McKayla Maroney sticks the landing on her Amanar at the 2012 London Olympics, using the power of torque and angular momentum to perfect her vault! |